Harmful Content Detection

Utilizing DataCat's ML models for identifying and managing harmful content in digital platforms, such as social media and online forums, ensuring a safer online environment.

DataCat's machine learning model creation service offers an effective solution for detecting and managing harmful content in two distinct scenarios:

A. Social Media Moderation


  • Input: A dataset containing social media posts.
  • Task: Classify posts as either 'Harmful' or 'Safe'.
  • Output: Identification of posts that contain harmful content.


  1. Data Upload: Users upload a dataset of social media posts with labeled examples of 'Harmful' and 'Safe' content.
  2. Model Training: The ML model is trained to discern between harmful and safe content based on the examples provided.
  3. API Prediction: The API allows for real-time analysis of new posts to classify them as harmful or safe.


  • "I love spending time with my family and friends!" → Safe
  • "I can't stand [offensive language] people!" → Harmful

More Examples

Input Label
Just got back from a great vacation in Hawaii! Safe
Everyone should boycott [controversial figure]! Harmful
What a beautiful day to be outside! Safe
I hate [group of people] with all my heart. Harmful
Check out my new recipe on my blog! Safe
[Explicit threat or violent language] Harmful
Loving my new job, feeling so grateful. Safe
Can't believe the news about [scandal/incident]. Harmful

B. Online Forum Monitoring


  • Input: Text submissions in online forums.
  • Task: Detect and classify submissions as 'Appropriate' or 'Inappropriate'.
  • Output: Flagging of inappropriate submissions for review or removal.


  1. Data Upload: Users provide a dataset with examples of appropriate and inappropriate forum submissions.
  2. Model Training: The ML model learns to differentiate between appropriate and inappropriate content.
  3. API Prediction: The model is used to screen new submissions in real-time through the API.


  • "Looking for recommendations on good books!" → Appropriate
  • "All [derogatory term] should be banned from this forum." → Inappropriate

More Examples

Input Label
Can anyone help me with this programming problem? Appropriate
I think [hate speech or explicit content] Inappropriate
What's your favorite movie and why? Appropriate
[Explicitly offensive or derogatory statement] Inappropriate
Any advice on dealing with stress and anxiety? Appropriate
[Promotion of illegal activities or substances] Inappropriate
Here's my experience visiting New York for the first time. Appropriate
[Harassing or bullying language towards another user] Inappropriate

Advantages of Harmful Content Detection

  1. Safe Online Environment: By identifying and managing harmful content, DataCat contributes to creating a safer online space.
  2. Efficiency and Scalability: Automated content moderation can handle large volumes of data, something impractical with manual moderation.
  3. Consistent Enforcement of Policies: AI models offer uniform enforcement of content policies, minimizing subjective judgments.
  4. Adaptability and Learning: AI models can adapt to evolving forms of harmful content, continuously learning from new data.

Application in Online Community Management

  • Maintaining Community Standards: Helps in enforcing community guidelines consistently across platforms.
  • User Protection: Protects users from exposure to harmful, offensive, or illegal content.
  • Reputation Management: Assists in maintaining the reputation of online platforms by preventing the spread of harmful content.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Supports compliance with legal and regulatory standards for online content.