Customer Segmentation Use-case

Enable precise targeting and enhance marketing strategies by categorizing customers based on job functions, seniority, and industry sectors.

DataCat offers an innovative approach to customer segmentation using AI. By analyzing text data, DataCat's machine learning models can categorize individuals and companies into distinct segments based on job titles and company descriptions. This segmentation is crucial for targeted marketing and personalized service offerings.

DataCat, a machine learning model creation service, can be effectively utilized for customer segmentation in two distinct areas:

A. Job Function and Seniority Detection


  • Input: A dataset of job titles.
  • Task: Classify each title into job functions and seniority levels.
  • Output: Segments like 'Marketing - Senior', 'Software Engineering - Junior', etc.


  1. Data Upload: Users upload two files containing job titles. One for functions, one for seniority.
  2. Model Training: Train two models. DataCat's ML models learns to associate job titles with specific functions and seniority levels.
  3. API Prediction: Users can query the model via an API to categorize new job titles.


  • "Senior Software Engineer" → Function: Software Engineering, Seniority: Senior
  • "Marketing Associate" → Function: Marketing, Seniority: Entry Level
  • "Chief Financial Officer" → Function: Finance, Seniority: Executive

More Examples

Input Label 1 Label 2
Senior Software Engineer Software Engineering Senior
Marketing Associate Marketing Entry Level
Chief Financial Officer Finance Executive
Human Resources Manager Human Resources Mid-Level
Sales Representative Sales Entry Level
IT Support Technician Information Technology Entry Level
Director of Operations Operations Senior
Graphic Designer Design Mid-Level
Business Analyst Business Analysis Mid-Level
Chief Executive Officer Executive Management Executive

B. Company Industry Bucket Detection


  • Input: Text descriptions of what companies do.
  • Task: Categorize each company into an industry bucket.
  • Output: Industry segments like 'Technology', 'Healthcare', etc.


  1. Data Upload: Users submit descriptions of companies.
  2. Model Training: The ML model is trained to understand and categorize these descriptions into industry buckets.
  3. API Prediction: The API allows for quick categorization of new company descriptions.


  • "We provide cloud-based solutions for businesses" → Industry: Technology
  • "Our firm offers legal consulting services" → Industry: Legal

More Examples

Input Label
Specializes in cloud computing solutions Technology/IT
Offers financial consulting services Finance
Engaged in construction and real estate development Real Estate/Construction
Operates a chain of retail clothing stores Retail/Fashion
Develops pharmaceutical drugs and medical devices Healthcare/Pharmaceuticals
Provides legal services and counsel Legal Services
Focuses on producing renewable energy solutions Energy/Renewable Energy
Offers digital marketing and SEO services Marketing/Digital Media
Manufactures and sells automotive vehicles Automotive
Operates a network of fast food restaurants Food and Beverage/Hospitality

Advantages of Customer Segmentation

  1. Precision in Targeting: AI models, through sophisticated pattern recognition, can accurately categorize customers, leading to more focused and relevant marketing strategies.
  2. Time and Resource Efficiency: Manual segmentation is time-consuming and less precise. AI-driven segmentation automates this process, freeing up valuable resources.
  3. Scalability: AI models easily adapt to larger datasets, maintaining effectiveness even as the customer base grows.
  4. Dynamic Segmentation: AI models can continually learn and adapt, keeping up with changing trends and customer behaviors.

Application in Marketing Strategies

  • Personalized Marketing Campaigns: With precise customer segmentation, businesses can create highly targeted marketing campaigns that resonate with specific customer groups.
  • Enhanced Customer Insights: AI-driven segmentation provides deep insights into customer behaviors and preferences, allowing for more informed business decisions.
  • Product and Service Development: Understanding customer segments aids in developing products and services that cater to the specific needs of different groups.